Artificing & Arcanatech

An Artificer is trained in the art of taking raw metals and other materials and crafting them into useful items, such as Weapons, Armor, or other Tinkered creations. Skilled Artificers may learn Arcanatech, which is the art of imbuing an Artificer's creations with Essence.
black hammer on brown wood
white wall paint with black shadow

Trade Skills

General Information

The Trade Skills are skills that allow a character to create tagged items (items that are In-Play and can be used or sold within the game). Each Tier of a Trade Skill provides a character with five (5) Production Points per Production Period.

Additionally, each Trade Skill has a more magically focused skill associated with it. Artificer has Arcanatech, Inscription has Sigilcraft, and Physicker has Alchemy. Characters are not required to purchase the magical skills, but the Tiers of those magical skills require the character to have a specific level of the base skill. For example, to be eligible to purchase Arcanatech 1, the character must have Artificer 3.

Item Costs

Each item eligible to be crafted by a Trade Skill will have a listed Production Point cost and Material Unit cost. A character expends the associated cost to create the item. Production Points (PP) represent the character's ability and the time spent crafting the item. Material Units (MU) represent the basic components used in production. Examples include metal bars for Artificer, ink and parchment for Inscription, and herbs for Physicker Studies. Every item takes a certain number of MU to create the finished product.

The number of units remains constant for each item, but the market cost of Material Units for a given skill may fluctuate from event to event. These fluctuations are common knowledge and will be readily accessible to view. When a character uses their Trade Skill to craft an item, they can either supply their own Material Units or purchase them from the Production Marshal for the current rate. Note that the Production Marshal will only sell a player the Material Units needed to make the items they are crafting. Material Units can also be found In-Play or purchased from merchants or other players.

Production Periods

There are three times a character can use Production Points: at the beginning of an event, anytime during an event, or as an Between Game Action.

  • Beginning of the Event: At Check-In, you can spend up to your full amount of Production Points for each full day of the event. Any unspent PP will be noted on your character sheet and can be spent during the event. A typical weekend event is considered to be two (2) full days. For example, if you have Physicker 2 and are attending a weekend event, you have twenty (20) total PP to spend.

  • During an Event: Unspent PP can be used by collaborating with a Production Marshal. During most events, a Production Marshal will be In-Play at various times. The identity of the Production Marshal(s) will be noted during Opening Ceremonies.

  • Between Game Actions: The Between Game Action (BGA) used for Production allows a player 150% of their PP for a Production Period. Thus, if you have Artificer 4, you would have 30 PP to spend. The character is still required to pay the MU cost of these created items, and must turn in the cost at the next event's Check-In before they receive the item tags from their BGA.


Workshops allow a character to increase the number of items that she can make during a given Production Period. Workshops are specific to a Production skill. All workshops cost 50 PP and 30 MU to create. When using a Workshop, you can draw additional Production Points from it up to your normal Production Point limit, effectively doubling your PP per Reset.

A workshop can produce a maximum of 150 PP during each Production Period. These can be used by one or multiple characters. At the beginning of each event, players with a workshop receive a temporary tag for the workshop. The temporary tag tracks PP as they are used. The player possessing the temporary tag for the workshop controls access to it. If another character wishes to use the workshop, they borrow the temporary tag from the owning character.

It is possible to steal a workshop, though as with any other theft, a Guide must be present. All workshops must have a phys-rep that is at least 2’ x 2’ x 2’. The permanent tag for the workshop should be attached to the phys-rep. The core phys-rep should be recognizable at a distance, but should be made of materials that are easily transportable and not fragile. Additional props for atmosphere are encouraged but not required.

Workshops can be moved between locations without cost. The different types of workshops are described below.


Doubles production for Artificers and Arcanatechnicians. Requires Artificing 5 to create.

Suggested Props: A forge anvil and tools, leather, wood and woodcarving tools, wires, crystals, plasma balls.

Alchemical Laboratory

Doubles production for physickers and alchemists. Requires Physicker Studies 5 or Artificing 5 to create.

Suggested Props: Vials, beakers, tubes, colored sands, hanging herbs. The alchemical furnace is a separate tagged item, but the furnace prop can be incorporated in the laboratory prop.


Doubles production for scribes and Sigilcrafters. Requires Inscription 5 or Artificing 5 to create.

Suggested Props: Portable desk, inks, paper or parchment.

black metal tool on brown wooden table


An Artificer is trained in the art of taking raw metals and other materials and crafting them into useful items, such as Weapons, Armor, or other Tinkered creations. Skilled Artificers may learn Arcanatech, which is the art of imbuing an Artificer's creations with Essence.

Every Artificer has a Book of Diagrams containing the blueprints of all of the items they know how to craft. This book is an In-Play item and may be lost or stolen. Each Diagram is a text prop, and Scribes may create duplicates of existing Diagrams. A Smith must have access to a physical text prop of the Diagram they are creating at the time of creation.

A character that begins play as an Artificer chooses ten (10) Diagrams they have the capability to craft to have within their Book of Diagrams. See the Artificer Production Table for more information.

Artificers are also able to utilize their Production Points to scavenge for raw material and convert it into Material Units. Every five (5) Production Points spent on Scavenging creates one (1) Artificing Material Unit.

Each level of Artificing gives you five (5) Production Points per Production Period.

Many Artificing items function a limited number of times per Short Rest or per Reset. They require diligence to keep them ready for use, unlike items that are consumed on use (such as the Clatterbox) or items that can be used an unlimited number of times (a sword or suit of armor). Shutting an item off and preparing another one for use takes one minute of effort. You can change your prepared items when it is fully charged (before you've used it, or after it has recharged on a Short Rest/Reset).

Characters with no levels of the Artificing skill can keep two items ready for use at a time. This number increases by 1 at Artificing levels 3 (3 items), 5 (4 items), 7 (5 items), and 9 (6 items).


Items that refresh on a Short Rest also have a more powerful Overclock feature. When you use any charges of an item's Overclock feature, the item's power is expended until Reset (meaning the Short Rest abilities do not Refresh until the next Reset), and it can't be deactivated and swapped for a different item. Each item's Overclock feature is detailed on its production formula and its item tag. You can activate an Overclock feature even when the Short Rest features are expended.

Item Use Limit

Artificer Tier Cost

Artificer 1 - 12XP

Prerequisites: none

Five (5) Production Points per Production Period.

Included Skill: Salvage. Broken or excess Artificed items can be salvaged for half their Material Unit cost. Items that have suffered a Shatter effect cannot be salvaged, and some discovered items may be too deteriorated to have any value.

Artificer 2 - 5XP

Prerequisites: Artificer 1

Total of ten (10) Production Points per Production Period.

Artificer 3 - 8XP

Prerequisites: Artificer 2

Total of fifteen (15) Production Points per Production Period.

Included Skill: Patch Job. Artificers spend almost as much time repairing broken items as they do creating new ones.

Three (3) times per Short Rest, you may Mend an item of your choice. This requires one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay, and you must be within arm's reach of the item you are Mending. If you are Mending a suit of armor, the wearer is not required to remove their armor.

Artificer 4 - 8XP

Prerequisites: Artificer 3

Total of twenty (20) Production Points per Production Period.

Artificer 5 - 8XP

Prerequisites: Artificer 4

Total of twenty-five (25) Production Points per Production Period.

Artificer 6 - 8XP

Prerequisites: Artificer 5

Total of thirty (30) Production Points per Production Period.

Artificer 7 - 10XP

Prerequisites: Artificer 6

Total of thirty-five (35) Production Points per Production Period.

Artificer 8 - 10XP

Prerequisites: Artificer 7

Total of forty (40) Production Points per Production Period.

Artificer 9 - 12XP

Prerequisites: Artificer 8

Total of forty-five (45) Production Points per Production Period.

Artificer 10 - 12XP

Prerequisites: Artificer 9

Total of fifty (50) Production Points per Production Period.

brown wooden wheel on brown wooden table
Patch Job 2 - 5XP

Prerequisite: Artificer 3

You have one (1) additional Mend per Short rest, for a total of four (4).

Patch Job 3 - 5XP

Prerequisite: Patch Job 2

You have one (1) additional Mend per Short rest, for a total of five (5).

Jerryrig Contraptions - 5XP

Prerequisite: Artificer 4

An Artificer is adept at assessing a situation and creating an advantage using the parts they have on hand. Once per Short Rest, you may create one of the following contraptions without expending MU or PP to do so: a Glowgem, Clatterbox, or a Stickyfoot Rapid Trap.

Creating a Jerryrig Contraption requires one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay. Jerryrig Contraptions are destroyed after use and you may only have one Jerryrig Contraption created at a time.

Intermediate Jerryrigger- 5XP

Prerequisite: Jerryrig Contraptions

You gain access to additional Jerryrig Contraptions: Grappling Hook, Flashbang, and Stonegrip Gloves.

You may also now create two (2) Jerryrig Contraptions per Short Rest and may have two (2) Jerryrig Contraptions created at a time.

Master Jerryrigger- 8XP

Prerequisite: Intermediate Jerryrigger

You gain access to additional Jerryrig Contraptions: Rebreather, Sleepytime Rapid Trap, and Boombag.

You may also now create three (3) Jerryrig Contraptions per Short Rest and may have three (3) Jerryrig Contraptions created at a time

Upcycling - 5XP

Prerequisite: Artificer 5

An Artificer is a master at creating the correct tool for the job. Once per Reset, you may spend one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay to craft one (1) non-magical item. With the permission of a Marshal, you may be able to craft something more specific or unusual for their current situation.

It is assumed that you create the item with scraps you have on hand, and so are not required to expend PP or any MU on the item's creation. However, due to the unusual nature of the creation, it only lasts a short time, and will automatically expire and be unusable at the next Reset.

Mechanical Mind - 5XP

Prerequisite: Artificer 6

An Artificer of this level understands the intricate, internal workings of any Artificed item.

If you spend one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay investigation before initiating the lockpicking, you may untie one (1) fewer knots while lockpicking.

Additionally, you gain a one (1) use of the Lucky Skill per Reset

Speciality - Armorsmith - 5XP

Prerequisite: Artificer 8

You have focused your training on the Armorsmith side of Artificing.

Once per Reset, with one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay, you can enhance a suit of armor beyond its normal limits. For the next hour, the armor is Immune to all Break effects (the player wearing the armor would declare "No Effect" to a Break effect against the armor)

Defense Disciple - 8XP

Prerequisite: Speciality - Armorsmith

An Armorsmith of this skill is a master at fitting a suit of armor precisely to the wearer so that it provides even greater protection than normal.

Once per Reset, you may spend one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay to enhance a suit of armor beyond its normal limits. For the next hour, the armor gains the protection of a heavier set. (For example: Medium Armor acts as Heavy Armor). If this ability is used on Heavy Armor, the wearer may instead declare "Reduce" to all attacks against it that use the "Piercing Strike" tagline.

Speciality - Tinkerer - 5XP

Prerequisite: Artifier 8

You have focused your training on the Tinkering side of Artificing.

Once per Reset, with one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay, grant an Artificed item with "per Reset" charges, one additional charge.

Expert Experimenter - 8XP

Prerequisite: Specialty - Tinkerer

When you craft an Artificing item using an Experimental Diagram, you may immediately cross off one of the flaws.

Speciality - Weaponsmith - 5XP

Prerequisite: Artificer 8

You have focused your training on the Weaponsmith side of Artificing.

Once per Reset, with one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay, you can enhance a weapon beyond its normal limits. For the next hour, the weapon is Immune to all Break effects (the player wielding the weapon would declare "No Effect" to a Break effect against that weapon).

Perfectly Balanced - 8XP

Prerequisite: Specialty - Weaponsmith

A Weaponsmith of this level can balance a weapon so well, even someone inexperienced can use it successfully.

Once per Reset, you may spend one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay to enhance a weapon beyond its normal limits. For the next hour, any character may wield it as if they are Proficient. If they are already Proficient, they gain one (1) additional Basic Maneuver and one (1) additional Advanced Manuever to use. These additional Combat Manuevers do not Refresh as per the normal rules of Combat Manuevers. Once they are expended, they cannot be Refreshed.

black fireplace


Arcanatech is the art of imbuing an Artificer's creations with magic by incorporating runes and crystals into their work.

Arcanatech 1 - 12XP

Prerequisite: Artificer 3

First Working. Upon purchase of this skill, the Artificer receives three (3) of the following Arcanatech Diagrams of their choice to add to their Diagram book:

The Apprentice Prepares the Anvil (Resist Destruction 1x/Reset)

The Hand Touches the Bellows (Spellstrike Arrow 3x/Reset)

The Touch of Moonlight (Glow)

The Guardian Aspect (Ward against [Aspect] 3x/Reset)

The Warning Look (3x/Reset Sense Traps)

Sparktech Pistol

Sparktech Musket

Arcanatech 2 - 15XP

Prerequisite: Arcanatech 1 and Artificer 5

The Arcanatechnician has progressed in their understanding of Essence and is able to create even greater workings. They understand how specific Aspects of Essence found in kalzokash can be used to charge and empower item enchantments.

Essence Overlay. You may expend one (1) basic kalzokash to charge a weapon with its associated Aspect of Essence. This requires one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay. This ability does not require the presence of a Production Marshal to perform. however, the player should return the phys-rep of the expended kalzokash to Plot or a Production Marshal as soon as possible.

The item remains charged in this way for one (1) hour. During that hour, the weapon has a total of three (3) Spellstrike [X] Dart , where [X] is the Aspect of Essence aligned with the crystal used to empower the weapon. These spellstrikes last until used or until the end of the hour.

Additionally, once per Reset, you may expend two (2) of the same type of basic kalzokash or one (1) greater kalzokash to do one (1) of the following:

Charge a weapon with three (3) Spellstrike [X] Arrows, where [X] is the Aspect of Essence aligned with the crystal used to empower the weapon.


Charge a suit of Armor or a Shield with one [X]Ward against Break, where [X] is the Aspect of Essence aligned with the crystal used to empower the weapon.

Arcanatech 3 - 15XP

Prerequisite: Arcanatech 2 and Artificer 7

The Arcanaficer's grasp of shaping and binding Essence to physical objects is so masterful they can use the very Essence of the Soul in crafting.

Soul Forging. The Arcanaficer may use a creature's Soul as a crafting material. This allows them to Bind armor, weapons, or other Artificed items to a Soul, or create Souled items. The Arcanatechnician can only do these astonishing feats if they have the appropriate Diagram.

Arcanatech Enchantments

Enchantments created through Arcanatech are applied to a single finished good, such as a specific sword. When enchanting an item, the Arcanaficer chooses a duration of either three (3) events or six (6) events, with the longer duration carrying higher costs in PP, MU, and other components. The tag for the enchantment will indicate the number of events of the enchantment’s duration. At the start of each event, these enchantments are dormant and ineffective until the item’s wielder activates them. When the wielder activates even one of these enchantments, all enchantments on the item become active, and the wielder must mark off one event from the durations of all enchantments on the weapon.

If an item is eligible for an Arcanatech enchantment, it may have one (1) Lesser enchantment placed upon it.

If it has a Lesser enchantment, then it may also receive one (1) Greater enchantment.

If it has a Lesser and a Greater enchantment, then it may also receive one (1) Master enchantment.

An item’s enchantments may be active or dormant when it receives a new enchantment or has the duration of an existing enchantment renewed. An enchantment may be replaced with another enchantment of the same rank (Lesser, Greater, Master) without changing anything about the enchantments of other ranks. Arcanatech 1 is required to craft a Lesser enchantment, Arcanatech 2 is required to craft a Greater enchantment, and Arcanatech 3 is required to craft a Master enchantment.

An enchanted item that is Broken is still enchanted and functional if it is Mended. An enchanted item that is Shattered, of course, is no longer functional through any means.

Incomplete Enchantments

Arcanatechnicians have the unique ability to “tie off” an incomplete enchantment and come back to it later. Tying off an enchantment costs 1 PP that does not contribute to the enchantment itself. They can also treat multiple production periods within the same event or set of BGAs as a lump sum for purposes of completing enchantments. All MU and rare component costs must be paid at the beginning of the process. The item being enchanted must remain a valid target for the enchantment throughout the process; that is, there must always be a Lesser enchantment present on an item for an Arcanaficer to tie off a Greater enchantment, and both a Lesser and a Greater enchantment for an Arcanaficer to tie off a Master enchantment. Activating dormant enchantments on an item with an incomplete enchantment does not affect the duration of the incomplete enchantment in any way.

For example, Julia has learned Artificer 5 and Arcanatech 2, and she wants to enchant a suit of armor with The Journey Smith Stokes the Fire for a six (6) event duration, which would allow it to Resist Destruction once per Short Rest. As a Tier 5 Artificer, she has twenty-five (25) PP per production period, so fifty (50) PP for the event. However, the six (6) event duration cost of The Journey Smith Stokes the Fire is seventy (70) PP.

That event, Julia spends forty (40) PP to begin the enchantment, and then one (1) PP to tie it off, so she can finish it at a later time. Production Marshals will give Julia a tag indicating the progress on the enchantment (such as “Journey Smith Stokes the Fire, 6 events, 40/70”). The next event, Julia spends thirty (30) more PP to complete the enchantment.

It is not required that the Arcanatechnician who tied-off the enchantment be the one to finish it. A tied-off enchantment can be completed by anyone with the normal investment of Production Points, so long as the character completing the enchantment has a copy of the Arcanatech Diagram.