Soul Bonds & Heritages

Although all Aspects of Essence reside in the human Spirit, each individual more strongly resonates with specific Aspects. This connection is known as a Soul Bond.
A Heritage is the further expression, and deepening, of that Bond. 
The stars and galaxy as seen from Rocky Mountain National Park.
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The stars and galaxy as seen from Rocky Mountain National Park.

Soul Bonds

At character creation, every PC chooses one (1) Soul Bond. Soul Bonds may give bonuses when using that Aspect. A character may never have more than three (3) Soul Bonds.

The Soul Bond does not have to be the same Aspect as the one associated with the character’s nation, but most often is. The choices are: Air (Kyr), Earth (Vonor), Fire (Razir), Light (Ora), or Water (Ishui).

If you choose a Soul Bond that is different from your nation, then we encourage you to come up with a reason for that in your backstory. The reason doesn’t have to be any more complicated than you have an ancestor from a different nation, or you have traveled and lived in the nation associated with the Soul Bond you chose. A Soul Bond associated with the same Aspect is a prerequisite for purchasing Heritage Tiers.

A character may purchase a Second Soul Bond and a Third Soul Bond. Orani, because of their unique culture, are allowed to purchase a Second Soul Bond without spending XP.

Soul Bond - 0XP

Prerequisite: None

At character creation, every character chooses one (1) Aspect of Essence to which their Soul is Bonded.

The choices for Bonds are: Air, Earth, Fire, Light, or Water.

Second Soul Bond - 2XP

Prerequisite: None

The character chooses to Bond their Soul to a second Aspect of Essence.

Orani, because of their unique culture, are allowed to purchase Second Soul Bond without spending XP.

Third Soul Bond - 3XP

Prerequisite: None

The character chooses to Bond their Soul to a third Aspect of Essence.

A character may never be Bonded to more than three (3) Aspects of Essence, but you may purchase this ability again in order to swap out one of your current Bonds.

However, a character may not remove a Bond to an Aspect if they have any Heritage Tiers in that Aspect because their Bond is too strong to easily remove. They must first find a way to remove the Bond In-Play. Removing the Bond will also remove all Heritage Tiers associated with that Aspect (but the player would be refunded those Experience Points).

The stars and galaxy as seen from Rocky Mountain National Park.


When a character chooses to more closely bind themselves to an Aspect of Essence, they express new magical abilities and physical or behavioral traits.

You may purchase up to three (3) Tiers of a Heritage. Each Tier more closely binds the Soul to that particular Aspect of Essence, which allows for stronger manifestations of magic. You may never have more than three (3) total Heritage Tiers. However, as long as you meet the prerequisites for a Heritage Tier, it is completely possible to mix and match Heritages.

For example, a character could have Vonor Heritage 1, Kyr Heritage 1, and Razir Heritage 1; or a character could have Ishui Heritage 1 and 2, and Ora Heritage 1.

Heritages grant you new Abilities, but come with requirements of either makeup/prosthetics/costuming, roleplay behavior, or mechanical disadvantages.


When you purchase a Tier in a Heritage, you pick one (1) of the abilities in that Tier. Tier 1 of every Heritage grants you an additional Innate ability with its purchase, and then has four (4) options to choose. So purchasing Tier 1 in a Heritage grants you two (2) abilities - the one you choose AND the Innate ability of that Heritage. Tier 2 of every Heritage has three (3) options; Tier 3 has two (2) options.

Once a character has a Heritage Tier, they may purchase the Heritage Expansion skill to choose another ability from a Tier they already have.

Makeup Requirement

In order to use an ability, you must fulfill one of the Makeup Requirements. Players may always wear more makeup than is required. Players are also welcome to reach out to Citadel Staff with Makeup Requirement suggestions for their character.

Alternate Requirements

Behavior Requirements or Disadvantages may be chosen instead of a Makeup Requirement.

For Behavior Requirements, if the player ever fails to follow that behavior, they suffer a Disrupt effect for the Aspect of Essence associated with that behavior. The Disrupt is incurable and lasts for one (1) hour.

Players should report on their Check-Out Form how many times (if any) this occurred and the circumstances surrounding that occurrence. It is possible for a character to completely lose access to an ability if they fail to follow the requirement.

ocean wave during daytime

Ishui Heritage

Ishui Makeup Requirements
  • Blue or silver fish scale pattern on the face, such as the cheekbones, cheeks, forehead, or chin.

  • Webbed fingers.

  • Ear prosthetics that make the ears appear larger and fin-like.

  • Fish scale pattern on exposed skin of arms or fin prosthetics on backs of forearms.

  • Blue or silver lipstick.

  • Gills on the sides of the neck or cheeks, either drawn on with makeup or with prosthetics.

  • Blue or silver incorporated into the hair, and/or fins on the head.

  • Blue or silver highlights around the eyes, or fins surrounding the eyes.

Ishui Behavior Requirements:
  • You refuse to kill any animal, even if it is hostile toward you.

  • You will always try to use words before you use weapons to resolve an altercation.

  • At least once per event, you must tell a tall tale about your life or the life of one of your ancestors. This tale doesn't necessarily have to be untrue, but should be exaggerated with each telling.

  • You feel uncomfortable if your skin is dry for too long. Once per Reset, you must spend time moistening your skin with clean water.

  • Once per event, you must spend ten (10) minutes recounting a story from the past. This does not have to be from your personal past but it can be.

  • Once per event, you must spend at least ten (10) minutes outside stargazing.

  • You are a strong believer in portents and charms, and carry a luck charm with you at all times.

  • If there is a new place to explore, you want to be first in line to do so.

  • You treat all books, scrolls, and other paper records with extreme reverence, especially if they have information pertaining to the past or the mysteries of the cosmos.

  • You hate fire, and always go out of your way to avoid getting near it or getting hot. You have to be persuaded/coaxed/bribed to sit near a campfire, hold a lit lantern, or go into an area that is noticeably hotter than the current outside temperature.

Whenever you purchase a Heritage Ability, you are required to take either one (1) Makeup Requirement, one (1) Behavior Requirement, or one (1) Disadvantage.

See Heritage General Information for more details.

Ishui Disadvantages
  • Whenever you are affected by an effect Sourced with Fire, after it is resolved, you immediately take a Pain effect. This includes protectives and curatives as well as damaging effects.

  • You are an extremely fast bleeder. You bleed to death in just two (2) minutes instead of the usual five (5) minutes. This disadvantage has no effect on how long it takes you to lose consciousness from Wounds, nor on the five (5) minute Resuscitate Timer after death.

  • You have a Tolerance for Enhancement Brews. It takes two doses of an Enhancement Brew administered within 1 minute of each other for you to take any effect from them.

Ishui Heritage 1 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Soul Bond to Water & Total Character XP 50+

You have spent time cultivating and meditating upon your connection to the Aspect of Water. You now manifest physical, behavioral, or other traits as well as gain a unique ability.

You gain the Innate trait and may choose one (1) additional ability from the below choices.

See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Innate - Water Breathing

You understand that the water around you is not any different than the water within you. You may breathe while underwater. This ability does not allow you to speak, cast spells, or breathe while in other normally unbreathable environments.

But a Drop in the Ocean

You have learned to shield yourself with Water and redirect its energy either to strengthen yourself or impair your foes.

Once per Short Rest, when you are struck with a harmful effect Sourced from Water, you may declare Water Absorb. You may then expend that Absorbed effect as either Water Refresh 1 Weapon Maneuver (self only) or Spellstrike Water Weaken. The Absorbed effect fades if you take a Short Rest. All Absorbs are considered to be a type of Ward, and therefore you cannot have more than three total Absorbs and/or Wards at a time.

Entrapping Eddy

You have learned to surround your foes in a swirl of Water. Once per Short Rest, you may cast Spellstrike Water Snare Arms. Alternatively, you may cast this as a packet delivered effect (Magic Water Snare Arms).

You gain one (1) Slip Snares per Short Rest.

Alternatively, you may choose to expend that Slip Snare effect to add Flurry to the Water Snare Arms granted by this ability.

Mountain's Spring

Water from Mount Kaiyama in Ishui is said to be the purest in all the lands. You tap into that purity in order to clear your allies' blood of impurities.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast a Flurry Water Cleanse.

Plumb the Depths

Water flows in everything and everyone, and it remembers. Your connection with Water allows you to remember too.

Once per Short Rest, you may focus your attention on a specific object, and ask a Marshal up to three (3) of the following questions:

  • Was this object designed for a specific purpose or task?

  • Has this object been used for its intended purpose in the past 24hrs?

  • Has this object ever been held or used by a creature that can cast Kal'inokh magic?

  • Has this object ever been held or used by a creature that can cast Kal'tov magic?

  • Has a life ever been taken with this object?

  • Is this object's current purpose a change from its created purpose?

  • Has this object ever been safely held or used by a human?

Alternatively, you may choose to ask one of the above questions and use your remaining two (2) questions to instead ask specific follow-up questions, which the Marshal will answer with either "yes" or "no".

Ishui Heritage 2 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Ishui Heritage 1 & Total Character XP 175+

Frequent use and cultivation of your connection to the Aspect of Water has yielded even greater control over it.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Reflection from the Well

Your Water is able to sweep you into a vision of the past.

Once per Reset, you may focus your attention on a specific object or a specific location, and a Marshal will provide you a summary of any significant history related to it that has occurred since the last Dawn or Dusk (whichever is closer).

Voice of the Fathoms

You have meditated on your innate ability to breathe underwater and now have an even greater control of it. You may speak and cast spells while underwater.

Additionally, once per Reset while you are immersed in water, you may cast Voice Effect Water Heal Limb Wound. However, if you also have the Mountain's Spring ability, you may instead cast Voice Effect Water Purify.


Your control over the flow of Water has strengthened, and you can use it to trap your enemies. Once per Short Rest, you may cast Spellstrike Water Snare Foot or Magic Water Snare Foot (packet delivered). If you also have the Entrapping Eddy ability, you may add Flurry to this effect automatically.

Alternatively, you may add Flurry to this effect if you have cast any magic with the Water tagline or if have been the target of an Enchantment spell Sourced by Water and you have not yet taken a Short Rest.

Ishui Heritage 3 - 15XP

Prerequisite: Ishui Heritage 2 & Total Character XP 250+

You have grown your connection to Water to a level of Mastery that few achieve.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Secret Ways of the Sea

Like the adaptable creatures that live within the ocean and like how Water can adjust to fit any container, you have learned how to flexibly use Water for many different situations.

Once per Short Rest, if you are affected by a Snare or Entangle effect, you may activate Slip Snares and then immediately activate a Magic Water Haste on yourself. Alternatively, you may expend this ability to cast Flurry Spellstrike Water Arrow or as a packet delivered Flurry Water Arrow.

Additionally, once per Reset, you may activate a Water Meld with Background. To activate this Water Meld, you must either be completely underwater or have your back against a solid object (such as a wall or tree) and remain completely still for ten (10) or more seconds before you begin the activation.

Soul's Maelstrom

A wise sailor understands how a ripple becomes the wave. Once you call upon the Water in your Soul, you can continue to draw on it.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast Flurry Spellstrike Water Repel or Flurry Magic Water Repel (packet delivered).

Alternatively, if you have both the Entrapping Eddy and the Whirlpool ability, you may instead expend this ability to cast Flurry Spellstrike Water Entangle (or packet delivered Flurry Magic Water Entangle).

brown mountain under white clouds during daytime

Kyr Heritage

Kyr Makeup Requirements
  • Feathers in the hair or moth-like antennae on the head.

  • Feathered or moth-like wings. The wings should either be feathers protruding along the arm, or a long, draping cloak that attaches at the wrists. Rigid wings (like classic "fairy wings") are not allowed unless they are folded flat against the back.

  • At minimum, paint the fingernails black. May wear short, pointed, prosthetic nails, or otherwise make the hands appear more talon-like.

  • At minimum, black eyeliner around the top and bottom of the eyes. Additional makeup to make the eyes look more insectoid or avian is encouraged.

  • Short fuzz or feathers on the arms or on a significant area of the face.

  • Nose appear beak-like or more moth-like.

  • Fuzzy hair or feathers around the collarbone and/or shoulders.

  • White, light blue, or silver highlights on the face, such as on the cheekbones, cheeks, forehead, or chin.

Kyr Behavior Requirements:
  • You don't like to sit directly on the ground. Unless there is no other feasible option, you will sit on a chair, pillow, etc, or choose to stand.

  • You consider a spoken insult or jibe to be more offensive than a physical blow, and always attempt to match or best an opponent in such a duel of wits.

  • You believe knowledge should be shared. Once per event, you must spend at least ten (10) minutes explaining or teaching someone something they have never heard before. The time spent doing this does not have to be consecutive, nor does it have to be the same pupil for all ten (10) minutes.

  • A verbal agreement is just as binding as any written contract. If you agree to something, you must follow through.

  • If you are asked to assist a cause for the greater good of society, you always offer what help you can.

  • When there is knowledge to be gained, you will risk life and limb to obtain it.

  • Once per event, you must spend at least ten (10) minutes doing something creative, such as performing, making art, or crafting.

  • Once per event, you must complete at least one (1) puzzle (this can be a jigsaw puzzle, sudoku, or other puzzle you bring to the event yourself or a puzzle you encounter during the event).

  • If you find a situation or conversation boring, you will leave without any explanation to find something more interesting to do.

  • If you are bested in a contest of intellectual skill or physical sport, you must challenge your opponent again until you either win or they refuse the challenge.

Whenever you purchase a Heritage Ability, you are required to take either one (1) Makeup Requirement, one (1) Behavior Requirement, or one (1) Disadvantage.

See Heritage General Information for more details.

Kyr Disadvantages
  • You have diminished healing to any effect Sourced with Earth (For example, an Earth Heal Grievous Wound would act as a Heal Limb Wound.)

  • If you suffer from a Snare Foot effect, once that is resolved, you also suffer a Pain effect.

  • You easily become fascinated or fixated on an idea, and therefore it is easier for magic to manipulate your mind. All mental spells and abilities have twice their normal duration. The character is no more affected by the spell or effect; only the duration is affected.

Kyr Heritage 1 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Soul Bond to Air & Total Character XP 50+

You have spent time focusing and contemplating your connection to the Aspect of Air. You have begun to manifest physical, behavioral, or other traits as well as a unique ability.

You gain the Innate trait and may choose one (1) additional ability from the below choices.

See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Innate - Equilibrium

The Air surrounding you provides a counterbalance when you need it. While crossing a single rope, you may use only one (1) hand instead of the normally required two (2). All other rope traversal rules still apply.

Canary in the Citadel

You are very aware of the flow of air currents through a space.

Once per Short Rest, while in the presence of a Marshal, you may ask the Marshal the following questions:

  • Is there a Secret Door in this room?

  • Are any of the rooms beyond this one a dead end? If so, which door(s) lead to the dead end?

  • Can I tell if there is anything breathing at the bottom of this chasm or in any of the adjacent rooms? If a room, which one(s)?

  • Do I detect poisonous air in any of the adjacent rooms? If so, which one(s)?

Directed Gale

You have learned to summon the Air within you and release it in one, concentrated blast.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast Magic Air Repel.

Sharing the Song

You understand that the Song is strengthened every time it is given Breath.

Once per Short Rest, you may spend at least one (1) minute performing for your allies. This performance may be singing a song, playing a musical instrument, a recitation, a dance, or some other creative expression. At the end of the performance, you may cast Voice Effect Air Ward against Mental.

Wind from the North

You have learned to direct the Air inside you into a harmful, shearing wind directed at your enemies.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast Flurry Air Dart (packet delivered).

Kyr Heritage 2 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Kyr Heritage 1 & Total Character XP 175+

Frequent use and study of your connection to the Aspect of Air has yielded even greater control over it.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.


At will, you may grow strong claws out of your hands. These are represented by Short, bladed phys-reps that are considered Out-of-Play unless they are in hand. Natural weapons such as Claws should be red or at minimum should have red stripes. Claws are considered Weapons for the purposes of Maneuvers and Wards, etc., but cannot utilize blade poisons, and are immune to Disarm, Drop, Break, and Shatter effects. A character with Claws is considered Proficient with them and may use them with any Weapon Maneuvers they have purchased.

Echoes Through Time

The Air sometimes speaks to you about what is to come.

Once per Short Rest, you may ask a Marshal one (1) of the following questions and the Marshal will answer truthfully (to the best of their Out-of-Play knowledge):

  • What is a creature I am certain to encounter in the next ten (10) minutes?

  • Is there an area to rest nearby (within 2 rooms or less from my current position)?

  • Am I likely to encounter an entity who is friendly towards myself and my allies in the next ten (10) minutes?

  • Is there a stronger than usual presence of Miasma in [X] direction?

  • Is there more knowledge, wealth, or something else useful to be gained in this room?

Guided Breath

It is through the Breath that one can find clarity of mind.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast Flurry Air Awaken. Alternatively, you can expend this ability to declare a Fated Air Awaken on yourself.

Kyr Heritage 3 - 15XP

Prerequisite: Kyr Heritage 2 & Total Character XP 250+

You have meditated and honed your connection to Air to a level of Mastery that few achieve.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Entrapping Whirlwind

You have learned to harness the strength of Air and bend it to your will.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast Flurry Air Entangle. Alternatively, you may choose to expend this ability as a Flurry Spellstrike Air Entangle.

Gliding Leap

You know how to guide the Air flowing around you in such a way that it can help get you where you want to go.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast a Magic Air Leap.

sun rays coming through green leaves

Ora Heritage

Ora Makeup Requirements
  • Prosthetic ears to make them look longer and pointed (aka elf ears).

  • Makeup or prosthetics on one or both arms that looks like leaves, vines, or other plant life.

  • Gold, reflective make up around the eyes. Bonus cool points if it glows in the dark.

  • At minimum, paint the fingernails reflective gold or white glitter (or both). You may add additional matching makeup to the rest of the hands if desired. Bonus cool points if it glows in the dark.

  • Reflective gold or white glitter makeup on the face (not including around eyes), such as the cheekbones, cheeks, forehead, and chin. Bonus cool points if it glows in the dark.

  • Makeup or prosthetics on a significant area of the face that looks like leaves, vines, or other plant life.

  • Incorporate leaves, flowers, vines, or other plant life into the hair.

  • Gold lipstick, or a lipstick color that matches their plant life (as long as it is obviously not a natural color).

Ora Behavior Requirements:
  • You hate the darkness. You must always have a light source that is the strength of a Glow effect or stronger, or you feel unsettled.

  • Never refuse a plea for mercy unless that individual has betrayed such a plea of their own free will before.

  • Never refuse hospitality to a friend or stranger. Guard faithfully any who have accepted your hospitality.

  • You must spend at least ten (10) minutes every event in study or discussion of spiritual or cosmological matters.

  • You crave a close connection to the natural world. You must spend at least ten (10) minutes every event gardening or meditating outside.

  • You have taken a vow of poverty, and will give away all possessions that are not necessary equipment, or needed for survival or sustenance.

  • Never intentionally mislead or lie to someone about your intentions.

  • Never use magic to control or subvert the will of another sentient being.

  • You consider a lie or intentional deception to be a greater offense than a physical blow.

  • Never speak of any secret that has been told to you.

Whenever you purchase a Heritage Ability, you are required to take either one (1) Makeup Requirement, one (1) Behavior Requirement, or one (1) Disadvantage.

See Heritage General Information for more details.

Ora Disadvantages
  • Whenever you are in darkness where there isn't enough light to read, you suffer from a Weaken effect.

  • Whenever you are affected by a Kal'inokh effect, after it is resolved, you immediately take a Pain effect.

  • You feel the pain of others so intensely that you find it hard to manage your own. You lapse into unconsciousness upon receiving two (2) Limb Wounds, instead of the usual three (3). This does not affect how quickly you bleed to death.

Ora Heritage 1 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Soul Bond to Light & Total Character XP 50+

You have spent time meditating and reflecting upon your connection to the Aspect of Light. You have begun to manifest physical, behavioral, or other traits as well as a unique ability.

You gain the Innate trait and may choose one (1) additional ability from the below choices.

See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Innate - Soul Light

You can create a Glow effect at will. It can be any color except purple.

Dazzle the Enemy

Your enemies cannot bear to see the pure Light in your Soul.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast Flurry Spellstrike Light Befuddle. Alternatively, you can choose to expend this ability to instead cast it as a packet delivered effect (Flurry Light Befuddle).

Reflections of Eternity

Light exists in all times and in all places. Sometimes you catch glimpses of what has been, what is now, or what is to come.

Once per Short Rest, while touching an object, you may ask a Marshal the following questions, and the Marshal will answer it truthfully (to the best of their Out-of-Play knowledge).

-Who was the last sentient creature to own or use this object (other than me)?

-Is this object cursed or possessed?

-Could this object have an important role to play in the future?

Additionally, the character may occasionally receive strange dreams or visions.

Revealing Light

Your connection to Light allows you to clearly see that which tries to be shrouded.

Once per Reset, you may activate Light Sense Illusion. You may instead choose to expend this ability to use a Light Sense Truth.

The Willow Sways

You have learned to imitate the flexibility of the plants to which you feel a kinship.

Once per Reset, you may use a Sidestep. This Sidestep is in addition to the three allowed Defensive Maneuvers per Short Rest.

Ora Heritage 2 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Ora Heritage 1 & Total Character XP 175+

Frequent use and cultivation of your connection to the Aspect of Light has yielded even greater control over it.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Essence Synthesis

Light connects all things, so you have learned to use that connection to change something harmful into something beneficial.

Once per Short Rest, when you are struck with a Kal'inokh effect, you may call Light Absorb. You may then expend that Absorbed effect as a Light Heal Limb Wound. The Absorbed effect fades if you take a Short Rest. All Absorbs are considered to be a type of Ward, and therefore you cannot have more than three total Absorbs and/or Wards at a time.

Refracting Camouflage

You are able to bend Light around you in such a way that others look right past you.

Once per Short Rest, while in bright light or sunlight, you may activate a Light Meld. Alternatively, even if you are not in bright light or sunlight, you may choose to activate this ability when you have your back against a tree trunk.

Soul Mirror

What one can do, all can do, as you carry the same Light.

Once per Short Rest, after observing another creature perform a skill, cast a magical effect, or use an ability, you may activate a Light Mimic [X] in order to perform the same skill, magical effect, or ability that you observed. The ability that triggers the Light Mimic must have been used in the past one (1) minute.

Ora Heritage 3 - 15XP

Prerequisite: Ora Heritage 2 & Total Character XP 250+

You have reflected and honed your connection to Light to a level of Mastery that few achieve.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Radiance in Darkness

You have learned to gather up the Light in your Soul and release it to heal or Wound those around you.

Once per Reset, you may cast a Light Heal Mortal Wounds. Alternatively, you can choose to expend this ability to instead cast a Flurry Light Lance.

Where the Light Touches

You have learned that your Light and the Light around you are not separate.

Once per Short Rest, you may activate a Light Blink.


Razir Heritage

Razir Makeup Requirements
  • Fingernails must be painted black. May wear short, pointed, prosthetic nails, have fur upon the hands, or otherwise make the hands appear more like a canine or feline claw.

  • Either wear canine or feline ears while attempting to hide their real ears, or ear prosthetics to make their ears look bigger and covered in fur.

  • Color the end of their nose black. May incorporate additional makeup that makes the nose look more canine or feline.

  • Red, orange, and/or yellow lines on the throat and/or around the mouth. Bonus cool points if they can glow.

  • A visible canine or feline tail.

  • Black lipstick on the upper lip, but may have it on both lips or otherwise make the mouths look more canine or feline. The player is welcome to incorporate other components, such as sharpened teeth (but no fangs by themselves).

  • Fully paint the fingers black, or wear gloves that make their fingers appear black. The player may incorporate red, orange, and yellow lines in addition to the black to make the hands appear like magma or smoldering flames. Bonus cool points if it can glow.

  • Make their hair appear like fire, either as a dyed hair color, wig, or with softly glowing lighting elements in reds, oranges, and yellows.

Razir Behavior Requirements:
  • If an enemy attempts to flee by running, you are compelled to chase it and attack until it stops moving.

  • You must accept every reasonable challenge or contest presented to you.

  • You always perform a killing blow to an enemy combatant if you were Wounded by them.

  • You never flee from battle unless outnumbered 3:1 or worse.

  • You never leave a comrade behind no matter the cost.

  • You must spend at least ten (10) minutes every event stalking prey without them noticing you (that may be a real enemy or an ally you are practicing on).

  • You never engage an enemy unless you have at least one ally with you.

  • Once a battle begins, you don't stop fighting until there are no more enemies or you are unable to fight.

  • You find it difficult to sit still. At least once an hour while you are awake, you must engage in some form of active movement, such as walking briskly, running, dancing, etc.

  • You hate water, and always go out of your way to avoid getting wet (but OOP please wash your hands). If it is raining, you have to be persuaded/coaxed/bribed to go outside.

Whenever you purchase a Heritage Ability, you are required to take either one (1) Makeup Requirement, one (1) Behavior Requirement, or one (1) Disadvantage.

See Heritage General Information for more details.

Razir Disadvantages
  • You have a severe intolerance to silver. If you are ever in skin contact with silver, you cannot run, cast spells, activate items or abilities, or use Weapon Maneuvers. This effect lasts for ten (10) minutes after you are no longer in contact with the silver item. If the silver is somehow drunk or otherwise ingested, the effects last for one (1) hour. An attack from a silvered weapon cannot be mitigated with Toughness.

  • Whenever you are affected by an effect Sourced with Water, after it is resolved, you immediately take a Pain effect. This includes protectives and curatives as well as damaging or negative effects.

  • You have diminished healing (effects function as one step lower than normal) to all effects Sourced with Water. (For example, an Water Heal Grievous Wound would act as a Heal Limb Wound.)

Razir Heritage 1 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Soul Bond to Fire & Total Character XP 50+

You have spent time meditating and fueling your connection to the Aspect of Fire. You have begun to manifest physical, behavioral, or other traits as well as a unique ability.

You gain the Innate trait and may choose one (1) additional ability from the below choices.

See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Innate - Inner Flame

You can create a Glow effect at will. It must be a red or orange light.


At will, you may grow strong claws out of your hands. These are represented by Short, bladed phys-reps that are considered Out-of-Play unless they are in hand. Natural weapons such as Claws should be red or at minimum should have red stripes. Claws are considered Weapons for the purposes of Maneuvers and Wards, etc., but cannot utilize blade poisons, and are immune to Disarm, Drop, Break, and Shatter effects. A character with Claws is considered Proficient with them and may use them with any Weapon Maneuvers they have purchased.

Cleansing Howl

Your Fire rejoices to purge the maladies of you and your allies.

Once per Short Rest, you may howl or roar and then immediately cast a touch delivered Flurry Fire Cleanse.

Fearsome Roar

Once per Short Rest, you may give a mighty roar or snarl and then activate a Spellstrike Fire Decree Flee.

Rapid Healing

Your Fire fuels your body, allowing it to heal much more rapidly than the average human. You take half the time to heal from a Wound. With a Stabilize, you recover fully in thirty (30) minutes. With an Accelerate Healing, you recover fully in fifteen (15) minutes, and with Chirurgery and Accelerate Healing, you would recover fully in seven and a half minutes. This does not change the one (1) minute required for Healing to take effect.

Razir Heritage 2 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Razir Heritage 1 & Total Character XP 175+

Frequent use and strengthening of your connection to the Aspect of Fire has yielded even greater control over it.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Fire Breather

You have learned to summon the Fire in your Soul and exhale it toward your enemies.

Once per Short Rest, you may cast Flurry Fire Arrow.

Igniting Strike

Your Fire hungers for fuel.

Once per Short Rest, you may activate a Spellstrike Fire Break [X] effect. If the effect is successful against the target, you may then immediately (within the next one (1) minute) activate a Fire Refresh 2 Toughness.

Swiftness of the Flame

The Fire crackling within you drives you to move fast and often.

Once per Short Rest, you may activate a Magic Fire Haste on yourself.

Razir Heritage 3 - 15XP

Prerequisite: Razir Heritage 2 & Total Character XP 250+

You have fueled and honed your connection to Fire to a level of Mastery that few achieve.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Embrace the Wildfire

Your Fire's Joy and Ferocity are impossible to always contain. You must occasionally let it out so it doesn't consume you.

Once per Reset, you may state "Magic Fire Shift Form". This ability lasts until you fall Unconscious, take more than one (1) Short Rest, or until you intentionally end it by stating "End Shifted Form". While this ability is active you gain:

  • +1 Toughness (cannot exceed a total of 5 Toughness)

  • Keen Hearing

  • Keen Smell

  • Two (2) Fated Ignore Limb Wounds

  • Unlimited Spellstrike Fire Darts with your claws.

While in this form, you must visibly represent it in some way - at minimum this should include additional makeup or a mask to look more animalistic and red glowsticks around the wrists and neck (feel free to ask Staff for approval of others ideas). Additionally, while in this form, the character is noticeably more animalistic with a tendency towards aggression.

Rise from the Ashes

Once per Reset, even if you are Unconscious, you may activate a Fated Fire Heal Mortal Wounds and Fated Fire Refresh All Toughness.

brown textile in close up photography

Vonor Heritage

Vonor Makeup Requirements
  • Horns on the head (short or long, "devil" or "ram" or other styles), of any color, but black, gray, or metallic colors are the most ideal.

  • Brown, gray, bronze, or black nail polish, possibly with stony or metallic flecks. Brown, gray, bronze, or black fingertips optional.

  • Clear or cloudy crystals on the forehead near the hairline, on the cheekbones, and/or along the jawline. For those of us with little to no hair on top, consider one or more rows of crystals starting at the hairline and going straight back.

  • Stony or metallic striations on the backs of the hands and exposed parts of the arms.

  • Brown, bronze, or black makeup around the eyes.

  • Brown, bronze, or black lipstick.

  • Hair and beard colored in at least three contrasting bands of bronze and black.

Vonor, especially those who have taken one of the Vows, commonly wear (in-character) makeup in the pattern of a skull on their faces. While your character wears this ritual makeup, you can ignore or incorporate your normal makeup around your eyes or on your mouth.

(When it comes to makeup, especially hair spray paint, we will not tell you the difference between bronze and copper, and if you choose gold we are unlikely to care or find out.)

Vonor Behavior Requirements:
  • You must begin and end every day with a recitation of some sort with at least three items, such as the names of heroic ancestors, people upon whom you seek vengeance, or treasures you have attained.

  • When you enter a structure with at least four walls and a roof, you must place an empty hand on the doorframe for a long moment. (If you're going in and out of the same building repeatedly, you don't have to repeat the gesture within a single hour.)

  • You must give aid and comfort to ghosts, even the ghosts of your enemies, unless they are a clear and immediate threat to you or people in your care.

  • You must keep a precise count of the total value of coin, gem, ore, and mystic materials that belong to you personally.

  • You must announce your name and the names of at least one parent and grandparent before initiating battle (not including times that you are taken by surprise).

  • You feel unbalanced if you don't take time to reconnect with the Earth. Once per event, you must spend at least ten (10) minutes with either bare feet or bare hands touching the ground.

  • Never boast of your own deeds, but be quick to boast of your ancestors or allies.

  • When you interact with a ghost, you must ask for their story, and then keep a careful record of it.

  • You are always thankful for the Earth's gifts. If you harvest something - such as ore or a plant - from the ground, then you always express your thanks. This can be as simple as just saying thank you, or you may choose to leave a gift for the Earth to replace what you took.

  • Never swindle one who works the land, one who crafts goods for use, or one who teaches others.

Whenever you purchase a Heritage Ability, you are required to take either one (1) Makeup Requirement, one (1) Behavior Requirement, or one (1) Disadvantage.

See Heritage General Information for more details.

Vonor Disadvantages
  • You have a Tolerance for Curative Brews. It takes two doses of a Curative Brew administered within one (1) minute of each other for you to take any effect from them.

  • As you are one with the stone, you can't benefit from a Leap or Fly effect. An activation of such an effect that targets you is lost.

  • If you break an oath or vow, you must repay it five-fold, you must inform Plot immediately, and you are Marked.

Vonor Heritage 1 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Soul Bond to Earth & Total Character XP 50+

You have spent time contemplating and encouraging your connection to the Aspect of Earth. You have begun to manifest physical, behavioral, or other traits as well as a unique ability..

You gain the Innate trait and may choose one (1) additional ability from the below choices.

See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Innate: Mountaineer

You can drive pitons into wood, stone, or metal surfaces using just your hands.

Folk of the Mountain's Heart

Once per Short Rest, you can use Earth Strength on yourself.

Grim Determination

You always have the Stoic Body effect, and will not fall unconscious due to Wounds. Note: This does not affect healing time nor how long it takes for you to bleed to death.

Hand of Stone

At will, you can harden your hand and forearm. This is an armored fist phys-rep decorated to look like stone or raw metal, which is considered Out-of-Play unless it is worn. It can't be Disarmed, Broken, or Shattered. You can wield weapons, but not shields, in an armored fist. While using Hand of Stone, a character is considered Proficient with Bucklers and may use any abilities they have purchased that require a Buckler.

Pillar of Stone

Once per Short Rest, you can use Surefoot, as long as some part of you is in contact with a wood, stone, or metal surface

Vonor Heritage 2 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Vonor Heritage 1 & Total Character XP 175+

Frequent use and cultivation of your connection to the Aspect of Earth has yielded even greater control over it.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

From the Foundations

Your Toughness increases by 1. Your total Toughness cannot exceed 5.

Verdant Binding

Once per Short Rest, you can cast Magic Earth Snare Foot (packet-delivered) or Spellstrike Earth Snare Foot.


Once per Short Rest, while you are in an enclosed area, you can spend one (1) minute in Concentration to use Earth Detect Secret Objects. You can ask a Marshal, "Are there Secret Objects present?" (Secret Objects are distinct from Hidden Objects.)

Vonor Heritage 3 - 20XP

Prerequisite: Vonor Heritage 2 & Total Character XP 250+

You have honed your connection to Earth to a level of Mastery that few achieve.

You may choose one (1) ability from the below choices. See the Heritage Expansion if you wish to purchase more than one ability in this Tier.

Earthen Titan

Once per Short Rest, you can add the Crushing descriptor to one (1) melee weapon attack that you make. An attack with this tagline can't be blocked by a weapon, shield, or armor.

Return to the Foundations

Once per Short Rest, you can use Earth Meld with Stone. You must be standing on stone (including pavement) or have your back to a stone object larger than your body. Walls inside the Citadel are presumed to be stone unless a Marshal specifies otherwise.

blue and purple galaxy digital wallpaper

Heritage Expansion

Makeup Requirements, Behavior Requirements, and Disadvantages
  • You must choose one (1) from the list of the appropriate Heritage for each new ability purchased.

Whenever you purchase a Heritage Ability, you are required to take either one (1) Makeup Requirement, one (1) Behavior Requirement, or one (1) Disadvantage.

See Heritage General Information for more details.

Heritage Expansion Tier 1 - 5XP
Prerequisite: Heritage Tier 1 of the Heritage from which you wish to purchase additional abilities

You continue to master new expressions with your Soul Bond.

You may choose any ability (that you have not already purchased) on the associated Heritage ability list.

Once you have the necessary Heritage Tier prerequisite, Heritage Expansion may be purchased more than once.

Heritage Expansion Tier 2 - 8XP
Prerequisite: Heritage Tier 2 of the Heritage from which you wish to purchase additional abilities

You continue to master new expressions with your Soul Bond.

You may choose any ability (that you have not already purchased) on the associated Heritage ability list.

Once you have the necessary Heritage Tier prerequisite, Heritage Expansion may be purchased more than once.

Heritage Expansion Tier 3 - 12XP
Prerequisite: Heritage Tier 3 of the Heritage from which you wish to purchase additional abilities

You continue to master new expressions with your Soul Bond.

You may choose any ability (that you have not already purchased) on the associated Heritage ability list.

Once you have the necessary Heritage Tier prerequisite, Heritage Expansion may be purchased more than once.