
Kallarai (KAL-uh-rye), the City of the Vigil

The city is also called simply Vigil in unofficial or less scholarly speech. This long-lost city of the Orani was divided into seven districts, and the explorers now constructing homes in the ruins have occupied only two of those areas.

The seven Districts:

  • The Hospitable District - for foreign visitors who didn't have close friends or family in another District

  • The Dawn District - easternmost edge of the city; held mainly alchemists, scribes, and paper-making (because, frankly, no one wants to be downwind of paper-makers or alchemists).

  • The Dusk District - westernmost edge of the city; held taverns, theaters, and entertainers of many kinds.

  • The Market District - near the Dawn District; held merchants and workers.

  • The Kyr District - atop a steep hill; the center of city government was here, because the city was all but unassailable from the north.

  • Spearpoint - never called Spearpoint District, because… city names are idiosyncratic like that; held the southern gate, soldiers, barracks, and training grounds.

  • The Seventh District - central/western part of the city; most populous residential district.

Those leading the exploration of Kallarai have taken up residence in the Seventh District, nearest the Citadel entrance. Other visitors, including suppliers, clerks, and administrators, dwell in the adjoining Hospitable District.

Other Districts are dangerous to explore, both because they're crumbling and because strange, dark things lurk in them. All of the Districts are overgrown with trees and other plant life to some degree; some of that flora is not satisfied to feed on sun, soil, and water.

person holding torch in building interior
person holding torch in building interior