Research & Project System

One of the ways players can shape the world of Tokavah is to engage in research and other projects. Some discoveries can be made In-Play during an event, but, oftentimes, research is a long-term project that occurs primarily through Between Game Actions (specifically the Research BGA).

The difficulty of a research project is determined by “Segments of Progress” that must be completed. The minimum is three (3), for something both Common and comparatively simple (such as re-creating the Wizardry ritual Tethered Star of the Ora). There is not a set maximum number of Progress Segments, but an incredibly large or impossible project (e.g., “dismantle the Citadel brick by brick” or “research a spell that instantly kills all my enemies”) would not be allowed. If you start a project that we cannot support, we will contact you to discuss changes or resubmitting. We are also available to discuss ideas before you submit. (You can contact us by email at or through the Player Portal).

Once a research project is submitted, the first response (and all subsequent responses) specify the total Progress Segments needed to complete it. The response may also include things like a short summary of what your character has learned so far, setbacks or unexpected benefits that have developed, or potential new directions to take the project.

silver and gold bicycle wheel
Completing Progress Segments

There are a few ways to complete Progress Segments.

  1. Discovery In-Play during an event.

You might find research notes, items, or learn something that could be used toward the research of a specific project. These discoveries might “unlock” the ability for your character to begin researching an idea, or they could provide a boost toward a current project. Be sure to include any such In-Play discoveries in your Research BGA, and we will let you know what benefit (if any) they provide.

Additionally, you may get the opportunity to experiment upon your ideas In-Play. This will most often be staff-initiated rather than player-initiated. If you do request a scene, please be prepared for the possibility that we have to delay or decline.

Action or discovery during events may provide more than one (1) Progress Segment, but one (1) is the standard. Progress Segments gained in this way do not have any additional randomization or consequences.

  1. Send a letter to an NPC, including someone in your Order, Vow, or other group leadership.

Although sending a letter will not normally result in additional Progress, there is always the possibility that a response provides additional information, insight, or one (1) Progress Segment.

You may send a letter to an NPC at anytime by emailing “”. Please include in the subject line who is meant to receive the communication, and specify in the body of the email how the communication is being sent (such as “through a Wardens of the Endless Road messenger” or “in the care of [named NPC]”). Letters may not receive a response. However, a letter sent as a Story BGA submission is always, at minimum, guaranteed a response.

  1. Submit a Research Between Game Action.

The main way to progress with research or another project is through a Research BGA, using the process below.

Research BGA Mechanics & Rules

In order to replicate the challenges and surprises that occur during research, Citadel utilizes a dice roll to determine the final result of each BGA’s Progress total. The staff member processing the BGA rolls a number of ten-sided (d10) dice equal to one (1) plus the project’s Benefits, minus any penalties (most projects have no penalties). The highest result among all the dice is the number used to determine the Progress, with increased benefits if more than one die result shares that value. (More details in the Result Table below).

Ways to add Benefits
  1. Collaboration. Each PC beyond the first that uses a Research BGA for the project adds 1d10 to the dice pool. Please be sure to note any PCs collaborating with you.

  2. Money or material resources. If you spend 2 MU x the project's total number of Progress Segments, 1d10 is added to the dice pool. You can gain this benefit a second time by expending an additional 4 MU x the project’s total number of Progress Segments.

  3. A Lore relevant to the research. Each level of relevant Lore grants 1d10 to the dice pool. Two or more different Lores can apply, but duplicate Lores (i.e., both Karl and Miranda have Lore: Bizarre Horticultural Phenomena 2) don’t usually stack.

  4. A Skill relevant to the research. Non-Lore skills may provide a benefit at the discretion of Citadel staff. It usually requires two (2) relevant non-Lore skills to grant 1d10 to the dice pool.

Additional ways to add Benefits are possible. Feel free to note anything you think might provide a Benefit to the project. For example: any NPCs you have consulted with, additional resources you are willing to have consumed (money, materials, finished goods), skills you intend to apply, and anything else you think might be relevant to the research (such as having a lesser version of a spell for which you intend to create a greater version).

Penalty Die

Researching something that is above your current skill level to use (such as a 15-bone Wizardry spell when you have 14 or fewer bones) may result in a Penalty Die. That means one (1) die is removed from the total number rolled. A Penalty Die will never reduce your dice pool below 1d10. As long as one PC in the group has sufficient skill to avoid a Penalty Die, there’s no penalty, and even if every character would take a Penalty Die for the same reason, the penalty is only applied once.


Once the dice pool for the Project is determined, the staff member processing the Research BGA will roll the dice. The highest number rolled determines the result. If the highest result is duplicated on two (2) or more dice, the result may have an added bonus. Each multiple of the highest result adds that extra bonus.

For example:

A Project has a dice pool of six (6) dice. The dice roll results are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 7, 7. So, seven (7) is the highest result rolled and would be used to determine the result. As indicated by the table below, a result of “seven” means that the Project gains one (1) Progress Segment and the Project also gains a major side benefit. Additionally, because there are multiples of the highest result, the Project receives the bonus of “+1 Progress Segment” per duplicate, which in this example would result in “+2 Progress Segments”.

Result Table