Post Event Forms
This page includes the forms for Checkout, PC & NPC Feedback, and the Between Game Actions.
Earn & Spend XP
Every player who attends (or pays for) a three-day event, earns 15 XP for their character. You use the Check-Out Form to spend that XP.
The deadline to spend XP from an event is two weeks before the date of the next event. If you miss the deadline, the XP will be added to your character sheet as "unspent XP" and you can spend it at Check-In or after the next event.
The Check-Out Form is available through the Citadel Player Portal. It will be attached to the Event Registration Form once that event is over.
The Feedback form is how you share your thoughts and experiences about the event. Communication between Citadel staff and players is very important to us.
Players choose to fill out this form in various ways. Some people write just a few sentences, some create a bullet point list, and some people use it like an In-Play journal entry. All those options (and any option in between) is totally fine. Use whatever method works for you.
This is not just a form for Player Characters. If you attended the event as a full-time NPC, we would love to get your feedback as well.
PC Feedback and NPC feedback forms are available through the Citadel Player Portal. It will be attached to the Event Registration Form once that event is over.
Between Game Actions
After every event, players who have paid for that event may submit Between Game Actions. Since the events - both in real life and in the game narrative - have weeks between them, the Between Game Actions (BGAs) are a snapshot of what the character has done during that time.
You may submit a total of three (3) BGAs, which must be one (1) of each of the following: Money or Production, Research, and Story.
You can substitute either the Research or Story BGA for a second Money or Production BGA (no more than two total Money or Production BGAs).
Both the Research and Story BGAs allow you the opportunity to collaborate with other people. If two or more players wish to collaborate on an action, each player should submit the action separately. Additionally, please include all participants in the “collaboration” section of the submission. If there is every a discrepancy between those listed in the collaboration section and individual submissions, Citadel staff will reach out to the players involved to clarify.
The submission window for BGAs begins the Monday after an event and concludes two (2) weeks later. They are available through the Citadel Player Portal.
Money or Production BGA
When you take this action, you earn money, which you receive at your next event’s check-in. Player characters must make a living between adventuring, and so this is the money you have saved during that time. Characters earn one (1) silver kenning with this action.
If a character has the Craft skill, they earn an additional five (5) copper marks per Craft. Please list your Craft skills in the submission description.
Alternatively, instead of earning money, any character with a Trade Skill (Artificing, Inscription, or Physicker Studies) can choose to create something using Production Points. You are allowed to use the Standard, Fast, or Cheap methods of production, but must have the production sheet for the item you wish to craft in your Book of Diagrams, Book of Patterns, or Book of Formulas. You pay the cost of those items at the next event’s Check-In and will receive the tags for the item(s) created at that time. Please note the type, the items crafted, and the total cost in Production Points and Material Units within the BGA submission.
You may use up to 150% of your PP for a Production Period. Thus, if you have Artificer 4 (with a 20PP max per Production Period), you have 30 PP to spend with this action. Workshops cannot be used during a BGA.
Research BGA
This is an opportunity for you to learn more about a topic, or research a spell or production item idea.
You may only use this action for one (1) project at a time. Many projects require multiple Research periods to complete. After receiving your response, you are not required to continue the project for the your next Research BGA if you prefer to research something else.
Projects may be completed by a single individual, but in order to speed up the project or achieve a higher level of success, you may collaborate with other players.
Some projects require (or would be achieved faster with) the expenditure of money or other resources. You will never be required to expend resources you didn’t expect to pay, but the Research BGA response may indicate what resources are suggested or necessary as the project continues.
When submitting your Research BGA, be sure to include all collaborating individuals and any resources you wish to expend.
Some tips for submitting a Research BGA:
Be specific. Even if you are researching a broad topic or theory, make sure you tell us exactly what you hope to achieve with this research project and how you plan to accomplish it. The “how” of a project may influence how realistic or how long it takes to accomplish.
Keep it short. Although we encourage you to include any knowledge or theory you have associated with the idea (from both an In-Game and Out-of-Game perspective), keep it succinct. This allows us to better parse through the information, and help you achieve your goals.
Be flexible. Sometimes a research idea just doesn’t fit with the Citadel setting or would disrupt the game balance too much for us to allow. If the submitted Research BGA is simply not allowed, we will inform you and allow you to re-submit. However, sometimes part of the idea may be possible, but it just can’t function the way you hoped. We would collaborate with you and allow you to determine if you want to proceed or if you wish to adjust your plan. This may lead to new, unexpected discoveries or may provide guidance on the next steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal.
The Research BGA is intended to be for things you wish to learn, discover, or create. For things your character should know, but you - as a player - do not, such as Lore, culture information, or for something that is public knowledge, utilize the Story BGA.
Learn more about the mechanics of our Research & Project System.
Alternatively, you may choose to submit the Research BGA as a second Money or Production BGA. Follow the rules for the Money or Production BGA above. You may have a maximum of two (2) Money or Production BGAs.
Story BGA (or Second Money or Production BGA)
The Story BGA is a more narrative focused Between Game Action. This is where you follow up on interactions that occurred during the event, strengthen social relationships, or invest time or resources into the things your character cares most about. You may collaborate with other players for this BGA.
If you hope for a specific kind of response or answer, include that in your description. We may not be able to give you what you want (for a variety of reasons), but we will do our best to provide alternate options and allow you to resubmit if necessary.
Some guidelines to keep in mind when submitting a Story BGA:
Assume that travel away from Vigil is not possible during this BGA period. Travel from Vigil to any other part of the world is very time consuming and costly. Not only would you be expected to pay a traveling fee, you would likely not have time to accomplish your goals before returning to Vigil for the next event.
It cannot be a dangerous situation (i.e., exploring, delving, fighting Gograzhi, etc). Actions of that sort may only take place during an event.
You may send a letter to an NPC. Sending letters is not confined to the Story BGA - you may do so at any time by sending us an email at in-play@citadel-larp.com. However, emailed letters are not guaranteed to receive a response. If you use your Story BGA to send a letter, you are guaranteed a response and may even receive additional information related to the topic of your letter.
You can utilize the Story BGA to confirm or disprove a theory, investigate methods to accomplish something In-Play, or obtain answers about something your character should know, but you, the player, do not (such as information about a specific Lore you have purchased).
You may request information on a specific topic, or a specific question from the Librarian, which will get a list of one or more titles relevant to the topic or question, along with at least one text excerpt that seems meaningful. If you have a relevant Lore this can allow you to draw a particular conclusion from the excerpted text that someone without the Lore wouldn't have gotten.
For example, if Karl asks for information on the Battle of Pellinore Fields, he recieves the names of three books with descriptions of the battle and their authors, as well as a quote from the account from The Return of the King that vaguely describes the slaying of the Wraith King. Because he has Lore: Rohirrim, he is able to identify the warrior Dernhelm as actually having been Eowyn, even though the text only talks about Dernhelm.
You can utilize a Story BGA to receive a copy of a publicly known spell or production item. There will likely be a cost involved - whether that is monetary or a favor to be paid later.
You can choose to support a specific Order, Vow, or other group.
Two examples:
Miranda heard some concerning political news during the event. She decides to use her Story BGA to send a letter to her family in Ishui. Her Story BGA response includes a reply letter from that family member with some key information as well as an encryption code to help her decode a secret missive related to that political drama.
Karl just recently joined the Kinship of the Pallas Adine. He decides to spend his Story BGA currying favor within the Order. He agrees to accept any task they ask of him, hones his fighting skills, and challenges a peer to a duel. His Story BGA response might indicate what jobs he did, the names of important NPCs with whom he gained favor, and a training montage. Perhaps that peer might even show up at the next event to make good on his challenge.
Alternatively, you may choose to submit the Story BGA as a second Money or Production BGA. Follow the rules for the Money or Production BGA above. You may have a maximum of two (2) Money or Production BGAs.