General Magic Skills

This page contains General Magic Skills, such as the ability to Sense Magic.
an abstract photo of a circular object in the sky
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Countermagic 1 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Wizardry 10 Bones or Tolerance 6 or Inscription 4 and Sigilcraft 1

This effect cancels a magical effect that just occurred. Countermagic may be used to cancel any magical effect delivered via packet, Voice, or Spellstrike. You may also use Countermagic to aid another target within five (5) feet (or "fist bump distance") of you.

A Countermagic is a Defensive Maneuver, like a Parry or a Dodge. You may only use a total of three (3) Defensive Maneuvers per Short Rest.

Countermagic 2 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Countermagic 1

You gain a second (2) Countermagic. You may only use a total of three (3) Defensive Maneuvers per Short Rest.

Countermagic 3 - 10XP

Prerequisite: Countermagic 1

You gain a third (3) Countermagic. You may only use a total of three (3) Defensive Maneuvers per Short Rest.

Identify Magic - 10XP

Prerequisite: Wizardry 18 Bones or Tolerance 12 or Sigilcraft 3

You may spend time studying a magical item or effect and learn more information about it. You must spend at least one (1) minute of Concentration and roleplay, and must be within arm's reach of the magical phenomenon you wish to identify. This ability may only be used in the presence of a Marshal, and may not be used on a living creature.

Once the minute has completed, the Marshal will provide information about the item or magical effect. You are allowed to ask follow-up or clarifying questions, which the Marshal will answer at their discretion. Some items or magical phenomenon may have their properties Masked and so may not be readily identifiable. In some cases, it may be impossible to determine the nature of the magic or you may need to perform special actions in addition to the normal requirements.

Additionally, once per Reset, the character has the ability to activate Light Sense Illusions.

Sense Magic - 5XP

Prerequisite: None

Anyone can sense overt displays of magic, and may ask Marshal about them, but you have fine-tuned your senses to notice non-obvious magic.

You may ask a Marshal if you Sense Magic in your area. If any is present, the Marshal will indicate the general direction it can be found. Further investigation and use of this skill may determine more information, such as the magic's Source.

Clarity of Mind 1 - 8XP

Prerequisite: Sense Magic

You have learned how to guard your Mind, Body, and Spirit from unbalancing Essence.

Once per Short Rest, you may declare "Resist" to a Disrupt effect. This is an Innate Resist and does not require preparation to use.

Clarity of Mind 2 - 5XP

Prerequisite: Clarity of Mind 1

You gain a second use of Clarity of Mind skill, for a total of two (2) per Short Rest.

Clarity of Mind 3 - 5XP

Prerequisite: Clarity of Mind 2

You gain a third use of Clarity of Mind skill, for a total of three (3) per Short Rest.

Resist Miasma - 15XP

Prerequisite: Stoic Body

Once per Reset, you may declare "Resist" to any amount of Miasma from a single effect. This is an Innate Resist and does not require preparation to use.