Contact Us!

Citadel Staff

Contact Staff for most of your Citadel questions, this includes anything about characters, world questions, etc.

Citadel Logistics

Contact logistics for any Out-of-Play logistical questions, such as questions about your character sheet, Cookies, and registration. For Character Creation, Spending XP, and BGAs, please use the specific form, which can be found on the Post Event Forms page.

In-Play Communications

Use this email address to send any in-play communications, such as letters to NPCs. Please include in subject line who is meant to receive the communication.

Join us on Facebook, Pinterest, Discord, BlueSky, and Instagram!

This is a place you can chat with other players and talk to staff more directly. It's a wonderful way to get connected with everyone involved in Citadel!

brown paper and black pen
brown paper and black pen
Have a Question?

Do NOT use this form for In-Play communication (e.g. letters to NPCs) or for Out-of-Play logistics (e.g Character Creation, Spending XP, BGAs, etc). This form is for out-of-play questions only.