Historical Events
This page has information on the recent historical events in Tokavah, and provides PCs an opportunity to incorporate those events into their backstories.
What is a Historical Event?
This is part of how we construct the consensual reality of Citadel’s recent past. It’s an opportunity for your character to have experienced dangerous adventures that other PCs and NPCs know about. It’s a chance at In-Game fame from the start of play.
Below is a bullet point outline of the most significant events to occur in the last fifty years before the date of the first Citadel event (February 725 GY). The ones bolded with links have roles that can be taken by a player character. Click on the links to navigate to the detailed full page for each event.
On the detailed full pages, roles available to PCs are in brackets and bold text. The text in the brackets may specify skills or other character traits, such as a heritage, necessary to claim that role.
Each PC can take up to three Historical Event roles. These are typically spread across three different events, but you are welcome to choose multiple roles in the same Historical Event.
To request a role, all you have to do is email us at staff@citadel-larp.com. If no one else asks for that role within 24 hours or so, it’s yours and we’ll write your character name (or a placeholder thereof) into the event. Your character name and Discord name (such Karl U. or Miranda L.) will be added to the bottom of the page, so that other players can recognize you In-Play and incorporate you in roleplay accordingly.
Recent History of Tokavah
674 GY
Huge boom in Arcanatech development in Kyr, leading to major improvements in the lofted cities.
680 GY
College of the Searing Wind is formalized at Mizimoto in Razir.
699 GY
Badlands consume Turthai, refugees flee to Rucha and Azlet
701 GY
Brakazu’s Warband marches deep into Gograzhi territory, remaining in the field for a full year.
707 GY
8/25/707 The Curse of the Green Wraith afflicts the Tower of Domentzia.
710 GY
712 GY
713-714 GY
719 GY
3/1/719 Mine Collapse and Rescue near Prasinos, Vonor
720 GY
723 GY
Undercover Expedition in Gograzh
724 GY
725 GY
Citadel Opens