The Curse of the Green Wraith

Date: August 25, 707 GY
Location: Elagria, Vonor
Outcome: Artifact missing; Tower of Domentzia cursed and largely abandoned

The Tower of Domentzia in the Vonori city of Elagria was constructed by the Consul Domentzia in 328 GY as a center of study for wizardry, inscription, and the new art of Sigilcraft. Over the centuries, its purpose shifted as newer and more expansive scriptoria were constructed. By the late 7th century it was in substantial disrepair, and the wizards and scribes who studied there sought funding from the Senate for repairs and expansion. Initially rejected, they staged a high-profile public event to demonstrate the scholarly and magical aptitude that they could still bring to Elagria and all of Vonor.

They invited scholars, mages, and nobles of Vonor and beyond to view the unveiling of a newly-recovered magical weapon of great power, purchased from the antiquities dealers Eudocia Bessarien and her [business partner], and promised that they would lay its secrets bare for all to see, before committing it to the defense of Vonor.

The unveiling, at least, went according to plan, though Corvinus Ravensworn recalled later that there were strange whispers when the cloth was drawn away from the mace of carved jade. Those who saw the candles gutter dramatically claimed it was mere showmanship by the wizards.

The ambitious young necromancer Gyralis Noulisses was to lead the casting of a rare and specialized divination, with the aid of Koios and [up to 7 more wizard characters]. A staunch traditionalist, Gyralis was bedecked in his finest ceremonial robes, the red sash of the Vow of Heartsblood, and skull paint over the marks of his Vonori heritage.

When the casting had started, darkness descended within the chamber, and confusion broke out among those attending. A thunderous voice filled the chamber, saying: “Shudder, O Tower; quake, O heart! The Green Wraith and its power are revealed! Is there one among you who would think yourself worthy to serve?”

At these words, a silence fell over the chamber, until someone in the crowd, named Dagmor, found the courage to reply, “I, I shall be the equal of your challenge.” (This character will have an unusual relationship with the Green Wraith. This character could be the same person as another role listed in this event, but doesn’t have to be.)

In the darkness that was more than night, all those present saw a looming green face. It laughed and said, “Nay, you have not the strength, and for your hubris I curse you! I curse this tower and…” but it was cut off. The wizards had backlashed the spell, and Dagmor conjured lights enough to pierce the darkness of the chamber.

A grim transformation spilled outward from the center of the chamber. All saw Gyralis’s horns crack and crumble, and unusual changes struck some of the other participating wizards. When the curse reached beyond the wizards to strike Orenna b’Khalo’Zerhadda, all present fled the chamber into the city streets, where hours had slipped away and night had fallen. The mace with the green stone head had vanished from the chamber, and its curse afterward persisted on the Tower of Domentzia.

The wizards' ambitions were brought to nothing, and Gyralis went away to the College of Arkadius’s Lantern to recover and repair his reputation. He was held chiefly responsible for the failure, and a senatorial investigation quickly cleared the other participating wizards of all wrongdoing. Eudocia’s reputation suffered badly as well.

PC Roles
  • Corvinus: J. Banish

  • Koios: Alex J.

  • Orenna b'Khalo'Zerhadda: Kimberly D.