Unified Gograzhi Invasion - Razir
Date: July - October, 724 GY
Location: Razir
Outcome: Bulk of Gograzhi forces repelled, but skirmishes and territorial fights continue. The East Gograzh tundra expanded further into Razir. A new High Chief is selected.
In July of 724 GY, Gograzh launched a unified attack on Razir, Ishui, Kyr, and Vonor. The scale and ferocity of these attacks had not been seen since the beginning of the age when the nation of Ora was overwhelmed.
The nations scrambled to rally against these invasions, but each were taxed at their own borders and so were unable to assist their neighbors. The Gograzhi employed different tactics at each nation to suit the terrain, their preferred styles, and their opponents.
In Razir, the Gograzhi entered from the north-western tundra (East Gograzh) and broke into hundreds of raiding groups. These vicious hunters spread across Razir like a wildfire, slaughtering as they went. Because it was the Dousing, the tribes were gathered upon the mesas, which meant the Gograzhi knew exactly where and when to strike. Although the tribes, the northernmost ones especially, always post watches, the attacks were sudden and brutal. Entire tribes were killed during the nighttime attack.
However, the tribes did not go down without a fight. The warriors fought to the bitter end to allow non-combatants to flee, and some tribes were able to rally enough to repel the enemy - at least for a time. A few notable heroes included: Keladriel b’Aithriel’Tanthor who organized all the warriors on their mesa to fight back, Fire's Solace on Barren Lands who killed a Scoria singlehandedly, [an Artificer] who lured the invaders on their mesa into a series of traps, and Veil of Stars who, despite being injured themselves, saved the lives of over a dozen individuals.
Additionally, once they realized what was happening, three brave messengers, Paka, and [two other Raziri or Raz-Orani with Tracking] raced to give warning to the other mesas. They were too late for the nearest mesas, but the trio pushed themselves to the limit until they got ahead of the Gograzhi assault. Once their message was successfully delivered, more scouts were sent throughout the nation, calling the Raziri to arms.
With their surprise attack spoiled, the Gograzhi swapped to hit and run tactics. Any travel through the savanna lands became extremely dangerous, so the Raziri fortified their positions atop the mesas. Although fairly safe now from enemy attacks, the tribes were essentially under siege. The inability to travel also prevented the chiefs from gathering to select a High Chief to unify and lead the nation.
The first couple months the Raziri easily held their position. However, as the Dousing came to an end, the tribes were forced to send hunting parties onto the savanna, which inevitably led to clashes with the waiting Gograzhi. Additionally, the Gograzhi had spent that time befouling water ways, slaughtering herds, and starting fires to ruin the land.
Ba'cho Flamewarden of the Kuchokali Tribe understood that the Gograzhi were attempting to isolate and overwhelm the individual tribes, so they must stand together if they hoped to succeed. With the blessing of their chief, the Flamewarden tasked a group of the tribe’s fastest warriors, Paka, and [up to 4 other individuals] to bear a message to the nearest tribes. It was a call to arms. The other tribes enthusiastically agreed.
Once word traveled that tribes were unifying into groups in order to go on the offensive, the rest of the nation followed suit. In September 724 GY, The hunters became the prey as the Raziri began expelling the Gograzhi from their lands.
By the end of October, the Gograzhi forces had dwindled to the point that the clever ones retreated back to the tundra. The remaining packs of them continued to roam the savanna - a constant, but much more manageable threat. The majority of tribes were able to return to their normal patterns of travel. However, due to the danger, some smaller tribes banded together to prevent themselves from being overwhelmed.
With travel restored, the chiefs finally had the opportunity to gather at Mzizimoto to decide upon a High Chief. [Any number of Raziri or Raz-Orani may choose being present for this important meeting as one of their roles].
A three-fold trial was designed. First, the nominated chiefs had to prove their wisdom in strategy, so a Go tournament was held. Those who ranked in the top thirty were allowed to proceed. Second, they had to prove their strength in battle, so a fighting tournament was held. The top ten continued to the final trial - a speech to all those gathered to explain their vision for Razir. The one who garnered the most votes was elected. The elected High Chief was Abiona Sunchaser Buzzy Inkblood daughter of Reneesha and Matano of the Tlamatini Tribe.
The Battles of Utinesh Valley
[This specific encounter took place during a 2024 playtest event. Any player who attended that event may choose this as their War Day role (which does not require expending one of your three Historic Event choices).]
Due to the elusive nature and scattered forces of the Gograzhi, the most successful strategy against them involved using the valleys and high places to their advantage. The Utinesh Valley was the site for some of the most pivotal series of battles.
A war band composed of people from every nation [any number of characters] gathered atop the nearby high place. Scouts were sent to wait and watch for Gograzhi. As soon as a pack of Gograzhi were spotted, the war band converged upon them. Once the Gograzhi were defeated, the war band retreated back atop the nearby mesas to continue their vigil and allow for those injured or exhausted to recover.
The signs and smells of battle soon caused other packs of Gograzhi to converge upon Utinesh Valley. The war band carefully chose their fights, making sure not to overextend themselves. Although this meant that some packs of Gograzhi got away, many more Gograzhi were defeated with no loss of life to the war band.
Some of the heroes who participated in the Battles of Utinesh Valley:
Anan Issachar
Remiel b'Finwe
PC Roles
Paka: Jay S.
Anan Issachar: Sean M.
Keladriel b’Aithriel’Tanthor: Chandler K.
Ba'cho Flamewarden of the Kuchokali Tribe: Chris M.
Fire's Solace on Barren Lands: Deirdre M.
Remiel b'Finwe: Chris J.
Veil of Stars: Veaya S.